Discover CredFreedom
How It Works
Features & Benefits
Medical Billing
Background Personnel Screening
Contact Us

Manual credentialing is a time and detail-intensive chore, with a demand for continual follow-up that eats up uncounted employee hours.

In addition, paper systems are cumbersome and inefficient.
Just getting credentialing paperwork to the people who need it can be a headache.

CredFreedom, exclusively from SMBCS, is a new web-based service that streamlines Primary Source Verification.

Using CredFreedom...

• Makes credentialing more efficient, more reliable and less   costly.
• Provides instant access to data and documents to any   authorized user, anywhere.
• Automates and improves provider data management.

takes the
hassle out
of the credentialing process.

CredFreedom is specifically designed to meet the needs of moderate-sized hospitals, as well as smaller hospitals and large practices.

In a moderate-sized organization, CredFreedom can enable one Provider Credentialing Specialist to do the work that currently requires the full or part-time efforts of three or more employees.

Discover how easy Primary Source Verification can be!

Click below to learn more.

Discover CredFreedom
How CredFreedom Works
Features & Benefits


Phone (631) 345-5252 • Fax (631) 345-3972 • 23 Milldown Road, Yaphank, NY 11980
www.smbcs.net • Email: azeruto@smbcs.net
©2006 Systematic Medical Billing & Credentialing Services, Inc