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Medical Billing
Background Personnel Screening
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MAS (Medical Account Solutions, Inc.)
is a suite of integrated, HIPAA-ready, automated services that increases your profitability through lower costs, improved collections and increased productivity.
MAS brings new efficiency to your operation, from patient recordkeeping to billing and collections. And MAS billing application software is proprietary owned.

That means:

• No expensive hardware or     software to buy.
• One low monthly charge:No   capital investment, no    unexpected costs.
• Easy, secure access from   any computer, anywhere.
SMBCS will show you the way to improved billing practices and faster payment times. We’ve proved it.

SMBCS provides consultant services to medical practices and billing companies. We study your present practices from start to finish. From collection of insurance information at the front desk... to patient encounter coding and claims submission... to accounts receivable management.

We’ll show you the true costs of operating your billing system. And we’ll show you alternate methodologies that will dramatically improve performance.

How can we be so sure? Because we’ve already done it.

Our averages for previous clients:

• 85-90% of claims paid within five weeks of submission.
• Less than 2% aged over 120 days.

We do it by giving you the practices and protocols to make sure claims go out “clean,” so they’re accepted on first submission. And we do it with next-generation electronic claims submission, to maximize efficiency and minimize errors.

See the results for yourself.
Click the chart to see our performance record for selected specialties.We’ll introduce you to high-tech efficiency that’s easy and inexpensive.

We offer you outsource options that precisely match your needs.

If you choose to outsource your billing, then turn to people who know the unique intricacies of your specialty.

The SMBCS network includes specialized providers for:

• Physician Billing
• Hospital/Facility Billing
• Ambulatory Care Billing
• Ancillary Provider Billing

Specific application of correct billing and coding protocol, plus precise use of applicable modifiers, provides “clean claim” submissions. Down go appeals due to incorrect submissions and/or third party payor claim adjudication errors. Up go fast, full payments. The time for more efficient billing and faster collections is now.
Contact SMBCS today.



Phone (631) 345-5252 • Fax (631) 345-3972 • 23 Milldown Road, Yaphank, NY 11980
www.smbcs.net • Email: azeruto@smbcs.net
©2006 Systematic Medical Billing & Credentialing Services, Inc